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What is the price of 0x (ZRX)?

The current price is $0.23 per ZRX. 0x is 90.73% below the all time high of $2.53. The current circulating supply is 847,496,054.803 ZRX. ZRX is an Ethereum token that is used to power the 0x protocol. The protocol itself is designed to allow Ethereum tokens to be traded at a low cost directly from your wallet. What is 0x (ZRX)?

How much is ZRX (ZRX) worth in 2024?

The 24-hour volume is $20,352,589. Let’s see experts’ 0x price prediction and technical analysis to have a better insight into the coin: Based on our forecasts, a price fall is expected; the 0x price prognosis for 2024 is $0.0166. ZRX can be a bad, high-risk 1-year investment option.

Where can I buy ZRX (ZRX)?

ZRX, being a popular cryptocurrency, is listed on all major exchanges. You can buy 0x from compliant exchanges. Additionally, you can directly trade ZRX for fiat currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, etc., or other coins on many trading platforms.

How much does ZRX cost in 2030?

In 2030, the ZRX token may have a maximum price of $2.55 with a minimum price of $2.05. At the same time, the average price will be $2.30 for the entire of 2030. Where can I buy ZRX?

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